For the final week of Cuentos/Contos, I present Dr. Bryan Juarez, Dr. Stepfanie Aguillon, Dr. Raul Diaz, Kiersten Formoso and a special interview with Dr. Melissa Guzman.

Fervent herpetologist, Raul, remembers reading books on amphibians and reptiles at the local public library and knowing from childhood that her has going to pursue a career in herpetology. He also explains how his parents paved the way for success and supported him, despite not understanding his research interests. Lastly, Rauul argues that a diverse faculty team is th best way to attract Latinx students.
Kiersten, a New York born but Jersey-raised vertebrate paleontologist passionately describes her reserach exploring land to sea [not sea to land!] evolutionary transformations. She tells us how she shakes off heightened self-awareness (as one of the few Latinx in academic spaces) and addresses barriers that keep Latinx from pursuing science careers. Despites these setbacks, Kiersten has also had many positive expereinces and ramains inspires to pursue a career as a tenure-track professor.
Check out this special interview with Dr. Melissa Guzman!
To learn more about the featured scientists reach out via their emails or websites,
Kiersten - Home & Blog | Formorphology
Dr. Melissa Guzman - Melissa Guzman |Ecological Data Science Lab (
To check out the full versions of all the Cuentos-Contos, follow this link.
I hope you all can take away something from reading the cuentos/contos of so many brilliant scholars and people. Although I only shared the cuentos/contos of 13 Latino/a/x scholars, remember to share your own and tell your cuento/conto. You never know who is reading, and who will be the next, Ecologist, Developmental Biologist, Evolutionary Biologist, Astrobiologist, Microbiologist, Marine Biologist, Paleontologist, etc inspired by your cuento/conto.
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