Evidence that drastic changes in an organism’s environment can
lead to rapid adaptive evolution has proliferated in the past 20 years.These drastic
changes come in many forms and flavours, but they generally involve the emergence –
or, less frequently, the loss – of a selective factor. Several studies in the
wild report that introducing new predators, contaminants, competitors, or
parasites can lead to an increase in the ability of the affected populations to
deal with the new stressors; the population adapts to the new source of
selection. We commonly assume that the reverse should also be true: the loss of
a source of selection (i.e. relaxed selection) should lead to the loss of the
ability to deal with that stressor. However, there is good evidence suggesting
that traits might not change for relatively long periods of time after the loss
of a source of selection (see Lahti
et al. 2009), perhaps because change might be driven only by drift, if the
cost of the adaptation to the stressor was very low.
Through a series of field introductions in collaboration
with the FIBR Guppy Project we tested
whether removing Gyrodactylus spp., a
common and deleterious ectoparasite of wild guppies, would lead to the
evolution of decreased resistance in their guppy hosts. As it turned out, this
experiment was one of those studies where predictions totally missed the mark,
and because of that it broadened our understanding of the evolution of
resistance to parasites in the wild.In a nutshell, theory suggests that individuals
that invest more in defence against parasites are expected to do so at the cost
of investing in other fitness-enhancing traits. When parasite-induced mortality
increases in a population, those individuals that are better able to resist
infection will have a higher genetic representation in future generations. On
the flip side, when the negative effects of parasitism decrease, those
individuals that, for example, invest more in reproduction than defence will
have a competitive advantage over resistant individuals. A number of elegant
laboratory experiments support these predictions, but these mostly focus on “simple”
organisms (typically bacteria and protozoans, although there are some important
arthropod studies).
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The rain forest of Trinidad: home to guppies and their parasites (Photo A. Hendry) |
Given these clear predictions, we set out to test whether,
under the complexities of a natural environment, removal of parasites would
lead to the evolution of decreased defence to parasites in a vertebrate host
with a complex immune system. What we found was surprising. Both four and eight
generations after being released from parasitism, our female guppies had repeatedly
increased – yes, increased! – their resistance to the parasite relative to the
ancestral population (read the paper here).
This increase in resistance could have been due to various
methodological artefacts, and we thought of some biological hypotheses for the
outcome as well. We ruled out methodological artefacts such as differences among
populations in mortality (it was not the case that less-resistant individuals
died earlier, albeit with less parasites, than more-resistant individuals) or
size (it was not the case that that the ancestral individuals were larger and
thus provided more resources for a larger parasite load which would have made
them appear to be less resistant). Among the biological explanations that we
discarded was the possibility that we were actually seeing the effects of selection
for tolerance, not for resistance. In the parasite literature, resistance
refers to the ability of hosts to reduce the number of parasites they have,
while tolerance is the ability to reduce the damage caused by a given number of
parasites. Resistance and tolerance are expected to trade off against each
other: high resistance means that parasite numbers are low, so investing in
reducing their negative effects would be a waste of resources; high tolerance
means parasites cause little damage, so investing in reducing their number
would also be a waste of resources. If parasite removal was causing selection
for decreased tolerance, then resistance could be indirectly increasing as a
response. But we found that tolerance did not change much – if anything, it
also increased after parasite removal.
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Experimental guppies, parasites and me in the lab (Photo: G. Capurro) |
We present several lines of evidence that suggest that this
increase in resistance after decreasing selection from parasites is also a common
outcome in wild guppy populations. We think this has to do with one of the “interacting
factors” present in natural systems: predation. As part of the experimental
translocations our guppy populations faced a strong shift not only in parasite
pressure, but also in predation-induced mortality, since they were translocated
into sites where major predators were absent. Changes in predation have been
shown to induce rapid evolution of life-history traits in guppies, and some
life-history traits such as life expectancy are known to correlate with
resistance to parasites. In our case, it seems that release from predation and
the evolved increase in life expectancy that it brings could be pleiotropically
producing increased resistance (an idea known as the pace-of-life hypothesis).
In the wild, parasites generally don’t just disappear, so this pleiotropic
connection between lifespan and resistance would be adaptive: when predators
are present,an early death is likely and resistance to parasites is an
unnecessary luxury, so individuals might use all their resources in reproducing
as early as they can, but when early death due to predation is unlikely, low
parasite resistance might greatly reduce your fitness.
Like all good research, this study has led us to new
questions. For example, how often does the pace-of-life hypothesis apply in
other systems, and under what circumstances? And more generally, is predation
always a stronger selective force than parasitism, even for traits such as
resistance that are directly related to parasites?
The paper:
F., Scott M.E., Hendry A.P., Fussmann G.F. 2013. Experimental elimination of parasites in nature leads to the evolution of increased resistance in hosts. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 280(1773).
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