Many years ago, when Mike Kinnison and I were office mates in Seattle, we started a list of “words we should use more often.” These were usually esoteric English words that we had encountered in some publication and decided were just too cool to be used so infrequently. I can’t remember all of the words but consanguineous was certainly one of them. I did use consanguineous in at least one paper but, sadly, it did not precipitate a particularly far-reaching or long-lasting meme. But what if I had tried harder? What if I had insisted that my fellow graduate students use the word in their papers – or bribed them to do so? What if I had used it in all of my own papers? What if I had extorted (or bribed) each visiting seminar speaker to use it in their talks? This is precisely the experiment currently being conducted by the Jen Schweitzer and Joe Bailey labs at the University of Tennessee.
While visiting UT for a seminar last week, I met with Joe
and Jen’s students. At the end of our meeting, the students casually mentioned
that they had come up with a series of phrases that should be introduced into the
scientific lexicon – and they pointed out that I could help their cause by
using the phrases in my seminar later that day. I immediately thought back to consanguineous
and its ignominious continuance in anonymity. Maybe I here had a new chance to
save some cool lost word or phrase from the dustbin of academia. I would be
glad to help, I told them, what are the phrases? They pointed to the chalkboard behind me, where I read:
“Next level shit”
“Smokin’ hot right now”
“There ain’t no secret sauce”
Hmmm – not quite what I was expecting and perhaps not so deserving as consanguineous but, then again, who am I to quash enthusiasm and ambition. The meme does not stop here. After presenting some genetic data in
my talk, I pointed out that the particular genetic markers (microsatellites) I used were rather old school, and that what we really needed to answer the question was
some “next level shit.” I then pointed out that what is “smoking hot right now”
(actually I had forgotten the phrase and needed some prompting) is RAD-tag
based SNP discovery – for which I conveniently had some results in my next
slide. Two phrases down, one to go: the hardest one. I struggled to think of an
appropriate use for “there ain’t no secret sauce” and eventually realized,
while looking at my conclusions, that this was precisely the spot.
Now, I can’t say that I will continue to use these phrases
in all my talks, but I do feel I have done my part and that, should the meme not
take off, I will at least have given it the "old college try.” If it does take
off, I suggest that consanguineous should be next. In fact, I anticipate that
all of Jen and Joe’s students will now feel obliged to use it in their talks.
(It means “of the same blood” and so can be used in relation to ancestry or relatedness.)
During my visit, I stayed with Jen and Joe, who kept me well
fed (home-made crab cakes, gumbo, and cherry pie), well beveraged (beer, wine,
and – in a rare treat – a drink of 23-year-old Pappy Van Winkle’s Family
Reserve Bourbon), and well entertained (Emmylou Harris, Rodney Crowell, and
Richard Thompson at the historic Tennessee Theater). Joe even let me beat him
at ping pong on his home court. I stayed through Saturday to see some sights in
the nearby Smoky Mountains, a major biodiversity hotspot. Joe and Jen both had
field courses to teach in Cade’s Cove – a mountain valley in the Smokies – and so
I tagged along. Both courses – one graduate and one undergraduate – were to
collect data at a series of deer exclosures.
At one site, Mark Genung and Joe showed me a dead hemlock tree and then found a hemlock sapling that was covered with an invasive scale insect. This insect has apparently decimated hemlock populations on a massive scale. This brought to mind many seemingly parallel instances: Dutch elm disease, myxomytosis in Australian rabbits, phyloxera in European grape varietals, sudden oak death, white nose syndrome in bats, tuberculosis in native Americans, the Black Death in Europe, mountain pine beetles, chestnut blight, and chytrid fungus in amphibians. In each case, an emerging disease – often (maybe always) an invasive, or at least spreading, species – decimates native populations that are not resistant.
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Deer exclosure - or Hendry enclosure? |
At one site, Mark Genung and Joe showed me a dead hemlock tree and then found a hemlock sapling that was covered with an invasive scale insect. This insect has apparently decimated hemlock populations on a massive scale. This brought to mind many seemingly parallel instances: Dutch elm disease, myxomytosis in Australian rabbits, phyloxera in European grape varietals, sudden oak death, white nose syndrome in bats, tuberculosis in native Americans, the Black Death in Europe, mountain pine beetles, chestnut blight, and chytrid fungus in amphibians. In each case, an emerging disease – often (maybe always) an invasive, or at least spreading, species – decimates native populations that are not resistant.
What I find interesting about these catastrophes is that
they rarely cause species extinctions – except perhaps for chytrid fungus.
Instead, the massive declines are arrested short of extinction and the native species
either carry on at a much lower abundance or ultimately recover. The
interesting question for me is why extinction does not occur. Three
possibilities come to mind. First, success of the disease may be frequency
dependent, such that its impact or ability to spread greatly decreases as the
host becomes rare. This makes some sense as the spread of a disease often depends
on the number of nearby susceptible hosts – and so a decline in population
density of hosts will decrease the chance that the remaining individuals will
be infected. Second, hosts may evolve resistance – as long as genetic variation
in resistance exists, then the individuals that survive and reproduce will
increase the frequency of resistant genes. In fact, massive mortality events are
expected to drive the fastest rates of evolution – because they can impose the
strongest selection. Third, the disease may evolve to be less severe, as would
befit its continued existence. I have no idea which of these effects is most
important in any of the above examples, but it seems to me an important
eco-evolutionary question in the context of evolutionary rescue.
Evolutionary rescue is the idea that when environmental
change results in maladaptation that causes a population decline, adaptive evolution
might reduce maladaptation and thereby arrest the population decline and allow
recovery. Evolutionary rescue is generally thought to be most effective for
organisms with short life spans, such as bacteria, viruses, or some weeds and
insect pests. This makes good sense because these short-lived and numerous
organisms presumably have high genetic variation and mutation rates and thus greater
evolutionary potential. But it seems to me that large and long-lived organisms,
such as trees, have something else going for them. In particular, high
mortality can eliminate all but the few mature individuals that are most resistant,
which – owing to their very high reproductive output (a birch tree can produce
15-17 million seeds per year) – have the potential to rapidly recover
population size. I am not saying that bacteria and viruses don’t have the
advantage in evolutionary rescue, merely that the supposed disadvantage to
long-lived organisms might sometimes be partly offset by a combination of
extremely strong selection and high potential reproductive output in survivors.
For more about evolutionary rescue, see the recent PTRSB special issue.
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A Tennessee Turkey strutting its stuff. |
Well, that’s it for now. I hope to enjoy the rest of my day
in the airport of some city that ends in “ville” (Tennessee has more than 50
such cities and towns – more than any other state) and some city that ends in “ark”
before finally making it home to that city that ends in “real”.
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In the Newark Airport, is it the Earl himself? Or maybe a descendent, perhaps basking in the glory of his ancestor - or protesting the lack of royalties. |
Yeah, bring that next level shit