Remember that time you, or your supervisor, invited that
awesome scientist who gives great talks – and you promoted it widely with
enthusiasm – and then the speaker came and only half the department showed up?
Oh, right, that has happened multiple times, yes? What’s up with that?
Oh, wait, perhaps you also
remember that time when someone else in the department invited that awesome
scientist who gives great talks (at least that is what they wrote in the email)
– and promoted it widely with enthusiasm – and then you didn’t go because you
were busy, or because it was too far away, or because it just wasn’t that
relevant to your work. Oh, right, that has happened multiple times, yes? What’s
up with that?
Ehab Abouheif rocks our new gift to seminar speakers - check out #BioMcGillMug here. |
Having now given more than 100 invited departmental
seminars, having invited dozens of speakers for our departmental seminars, and having
even been the chair of our departmental seminar committee for a number of
years, I can attest that the above contrast is a universal problem facing
departmental seminars. To combat this apathy, seminar organizers and committees
try all sorts of inducements – they have wine and cheese receptions (many
places), they have raffles for good wine (Oslo – when I visited some years ago
anyway), some have a keg of beer afterward (UW Fisheries – in my day anyway), they
take attendance, they give guilt trips, etc. Sometimes these devices work
somewhat (and sometimes not) and some places have reasonably well developed
cultures of seminar attendance (although many don’t). Regardless, I would
guarantee that every department has had discussions and committees where low
seminar attendance is bemoaned, dissected, and debated - and solutions are
sought. Should it be earlier or later? Should we encourage/force people to
invite famous speakers? Should we give more of a vote to grad students? Should
we have receptions afterward? Should we change the venue? In short, seminars
are never attended as regularly or as widely as they should be.
The main reason that people don’t attend seminars is
because they quite reasonably weigh the immediate perceived benefit of each
seminar attendance against the immediate cost of that attendance. These
benefits and costs are nearly always weighed on the basis of a person’s
immediate research or teaching. “Will attending this seminar help me understand
my science or give me new ideas?” Is weighed against “But I could use that hour
to do this analysis, or write this paragraph, or talk to my student.” Or it is
weighed against “I have to give a new lecture tomorrow” (or in an hour). Weighed
in these ways, yes, it is true that the cost of seminar attendance will
sometimes outweigh the benefit.
While I could make the usual point that long-term research
and teaching benefits are gained by attending lectures not in your immediate
area of research, that point has been made frequently and – seemingly – to relatively
little effect. Instead, I am going to make an entirely different, although
obviously complementary, point.
My main argument is that benefit-cost calculation based
solely and teaching and research is NOT the only important factor to consider –
and, in fact, neither might be the most important factor. Instead you should
also view seminar attendance as a service – echoing the research-teaching-service
triumvirate of university obligations.
Seminar attendance is a SERVICE because:
It reflects on the department to speakers and visitors, who will remember
vividly if attendance was low. Remember that visiting seminar speakers are
independent subsequent (dis)advocates of your department. Indeed, I am sure I
have spoken to my colleagues in some context or other about every single
seminar I have ever given.
It benefits the person who invited the speaker. That person will be
embarrassed and disappointed if attendance is low, which will then reduce their
inducements to invite more speakers and to attend the seminars of your invitees.
It sends an important signal to graduate students. I am sure nearly
all professors would agree that their students benefit from attending a
diversity of seminars and, yet, failure of a professor to attend seminars
surely sends a signal to their students that attendance is not that important.
It sends an important signal to the administration that funds the
seminar series. Every single seminar series struggles with funding to invite
external speakers and, if a strong case can be made that your seminar series is
well attended, then it is a much stronger case for funding.
So, put that seminar series in your calendar. Don’t ever
schedule anything else for that slot. Assume you can’t use that hour for
anything else. Just go. You will see cool research. You will get new ideas for
research and teaching. The seminar speaker will appreciate it. The host will
appreciate it – and reciprocate for your invitees. The grad students will see
that seminar attendance is important and expected. Everyone benefits – and all
you “lose” is an hour a week when you would otherwise have spent half of it
just tweeting anyway.
If the seminar sucks, sneak out early and apologize later
for that other obligation you had. If you are bored, discretely look at your
facebook feed on your phone. If you are tired, take a nap. These imperfections are much less
irksome than skipping the whole thing. Your seminar series needs you; and your
department, your colleagues, your students, and you all need your department’s
seminar series.
1. Some obviously good reasons to not attend seminars include not
being in town, fixed family obligations (day care closing times, hockey practice
starting times, etc.), medical problems (e.g., a broken leg), a
conflicting class or lab, and the like.
2. This post is not intended as a dis of my
department, where seminar attendance is kind of middle of the road, nor of particular
people in my department (sometimes I miss too without a good reason).
3. Many places have many seminar series you could attend and I agree that it would perhaps not be optimal to attend them all. Pick a one or two to ALWAYS attend and attend the others more haphazardly if necessary.
4. This post is equally directed at profs, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students.